WinZip 12.0 Build 8252:
WinZip is the most popular data compression software that is available for a Windows system. It supports archives in formats like ZIP, LZH, ARJ, ARC, CAB, TAR, Z, GZ, TAZ, TGZ, LZEXPAND, UUencoded, XXencoded, BinHex i MIME. It also allows us to convert from one format to another. Additional advantage of this program is the simplicity of usage that will not cause a problem even to a total beginner.
WinZip offers a thumbnail image view and automatic compression selection, plus improved compression for audio files (WAV) and the ability to open .BZ2 and .RAR files.
WinZip is supported by Windows XP 32-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 9x, Windows 2000.
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